Tuesday 14 February 2012

All in a days work...

Fabrics, first foods and family outfits ;)

Sick kids and creativity

I never thought they would go hand in hand, but it seems they do. Since we've had a much quieter morning than usual, I have started tidying my creative space. In doing so, I put some $2m remnants next to some jeans that were given to me to be repurposed. I liked the combination! But, someone else (hubby) spotted the union jack fabric and put in an order for shorts.

So, one pair of men's shorts coming up along with whatever kids things I can create from the scraps ;)

Friday 10 February 2012

Boys Shorts

One of Col's friends was running low on shorts the other week so while I was making some bigger ones for Col, I ran a few extras up for A. His mum LOVED them - particularly how easy they were for toilet training boys to pull up and down.  She asked for 10 more pairs on the spot!

My sewing machine broke in the middle of this little project so I only have a photo of the last 4 pairs. They are a very simple, two-piece pattern that only take a few minutes to whip up.

I make sure I include a tag at the back so that kids (and dads) can tell which way they go!

Once I work it out the best way to make the pattern available, I'll post a pattern and tutorial.

Otherwise, I make & sell them for $5.00.  BARGAIN!!!

I'm Back!!

Ok. So it's been a while since I've been on here - the reason being this lovely little girl

I've been busy sewing all sorts of things and have had requests for my site.... So... I thought I'd better pull my finger out and get it under way! Properly this time ;)